
I am a college student just trying to share positivity on the interwebs.  I like talking about the little pieces that make up my life, and sometimes, I can be very philosophical (but my amateur philosophy skills will not be featured too much on this blog).  You see, I am just beginning to discover all of these little pieces and how they create who I am.  During my childhood, I only lived in one city in one house (yeah, very static), but when I entered college, I started to discover more of the depths of the world.  This blog shares my journey with others through my posts about my findings and happenings.

You might just be surprised by some of the things you learn about me on my blog.  Stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy!

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Gede Prama says:

    Dear friend, Thank you very much, I was really happy to have been following your blog. I’m still a lot to figure out, and here I can only say that you are an awesome blogger, full Inspiring and hope you can inspire more readers. Thanks and greetings compassion from Gede Prama 🙂

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